Friday, June 29, 2012

Himalayas Tourism

Here is the land, where India's holiest rivers begin and pilgrims end, the temples of the Lord soar in to the cosmic blue, and surrounded by the dizzy beauty of externally frozen lakes, majestic waterfalls, meandering rivers, undulating meadows, incredible lush green mountain valleys and a large variety of exotic flora and fauna. The hill stations at the Himalayas are gateways to bewitching beauty and exotic experience. The place attracts numerous tourists for diverse activites. 
Himalayan Highlights:
Himalayas tourism offer the highest mountain trails, roads and bridges for the adventurer; highest wildlife reserves which abound with the most exotic birds, animals, flowers and herbs for the naturalist; age old temples, exquisite villages, traditional architecture still in its pristine beauty and the tribal lifestyles of its inhabitants.
Himalayan Adventure:


Take 13,000 cubic feet per second of water, add a few good friends and you've got a thrilling action packed white water trip with MHE. A wild water experience guaranteed to pull you out of everyday existence and throw you into a world of thrills, chills and spills. MHE runs one day and weekend rafting trips on some of the best white water rivers in India. Currently MHE runs seasonal rafting operations in more than 12 rivers across India. In addition, we also run multi day river expeditions on the Brahmaputra, Zanskar, Kali, Tons and the Indus to name a few.


How would it feel .....
  • to be in the lap of the mighty Himalayas surrounded by towering snow capped peaks?
  • to slip your feet into heavy skiing boots, clamp them on to the skis and let gravity do the rest?
  • to travel in cruise control down the meandering snow slopes leaving behind you a blazing trail white powder?
  • to sit around a hot 'Bukhari' and look out the window onto a field of pure white snow?
  • to make a dozen snow-men and have unending snowball fights?

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